Monday, November 30, 2009

4 days in the Peloponnese!

Our trip began early on Saturday November 14th and were were all tired but ready for our adventure to the Peloponnese! We piled onto our bus and realized it was much smaller than our buses from previous excursions so this time most of us had to share a set of two seats with another person instead of getting two seats to ourselves. It wasn't awful by any means it was just not what we had hoped for. We had about a 2 hour drive ahead of us so most of us slept. Our first stop was at the Corinth Canal which divides the Peloponnese from the mainland. It was amazing to see what the Greeks created so long ago. It was a beautiful sunny day so we all stopped and got pictures and had a snack break and off went went to the next site.

The next site on our trip was Corinth. We were all tired of being on the bus and I'm not sure if we were quite ready to listen to Michael lecture and then the distraction came... there were puppies on site! They were so cute! We couldn't stop playing with them! We did our best to listen to the lecture but I'm pretty sure half of us didn't hear a word he said.

Next up for our Saturday sites was Acrocorinth which is this huge fortress atop a hill. There is the temple of Aprodite there and the views were amazing. We had our picnic lunches there and then Betsy, Tabby, Annie and I decided to climb up to the top of the fortress and take pictures and what not. We got a little confused trying to get to the top and I'm pretty sure all of us are out of shape because we were having a rough time getting to the top but we eventually made it! We took tons of pictures and it was a beautiful day so it made it all the better! After we got our fill of picture taking we made it back down to the bus with about 5minutes to spare. We hoped onto the bus and we were off again once more!

The last site we went to see on the Saturday of our trip was Epidaurus. This theatre had the best acoustics of any theatre around the world. We had a few groups perform some scenes that will eventually be performed at the showcase. It was fun to go down and speak from the center of the stage and see how your voice is amplified. After we did that we got a chance to walk around the site and see the temples and what not that are surrounding the theatre. After we were done there we got on the bus and off we went to Nauplia to check into our hotel.

We checked into our hotel which was quite nice and I was again lucky enough to get paired up with Jessie once again for our hotel room! After we got settled some of us got ready and went with Vassia to a wine tasting. It was only 6 euros and we got to try 6 wines, raki, and ouzo! It was great! The man who led the wine tasting was extremely nice and he taught us a lot about the wines! After we had the wine tasting a couple of us girls got gelato and headed back to the hotel. Betsy and I decided to have some wine back at the room so we had a good time and I was even able to skype a friend from home which was nice! :)

Sunday morning we were up bright and early and off to our first site for the day, Nemea. And we were happy to see yet again there were adorable puppies at this site!! The white puppy was such a cuddly puppy! He just wanted everyone to love him! The furry golden puppy was rambunctious and just wanted to play! The site was cool but we were definitely more focused on the puppies than listening to Michael once again. We told Michael if he just held a puppy while he talked we might pay more attention!

Next we were onto Mycenae! Mycenae was really interesting! It was rough walking all the way up to the top trying to keep up with Michael AKA Silver Fox but we made it! And he taught us all about the tholos tombs and many other features of the site.

We again were off on the bus for a long ride to Adritsena. This was a very small town in the mountains so we had to drive up this winding road forever... some people felt sick but we made it alright. By the time we got there it was dark. We got off the bus and Vassia named me and 5 other girls (Betsy, Jessie, Hana, Whitney and Lisa) and told us to go with this man and she would come get us later... We were so confused... We thought it was the beginning to a scary movie... The man was really nice but he put all of our stuff in his car and had Whitney get in with him then the rest of us followed and we had no idea where we were going we walked down this dark road and finally came upon this house and he took us in... come find out this house was absolutely beautiful! We got so lucky! It was 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, fireplace, deck! It was amazing! He brought us snacks and even raki! It was great! We started a fire and then Vassia came to explain everything. We ended up spending the whole evening playing drinking games and sitting by the fire listening to greek music! Zach even joined us and we asked him at one point if he had any nicknames and he told us... Zachary Daiquiri like from the DARE cartoon... HAHA we all died laughing but he said we could call him that! And Betsy and I took pictures as Trogdor and Dino! It was a really fun night! Jessie and I shared one of the queen beds and apparently at one point during the night I was literally cuddling her... haha but she didn't move... she liked it! ;-)

Up and out the next morning we had to haul all of our stuff all the way up to the hotel that the rest of the group was staying at and let me tell you it was a HIKE! We were sweating by the time we finally reached breakfast... but it was a beautiful morning and we were more than full by the end of breakfast! After breakfast we went to the Vasses where the Temple of Apollo is. It is actually inside a giant tent to keep it in good condition. We took lots of pictures including some "senior photo" pictures... with the trees and bushes and what not. It was fun! But yet again we were off and onto the bus!

We spent a couple hours on the bus and ended up in Olympia where we would spend our last night. We got there and checked into our hotel which was nice but we missed our party house in Adrisena! We had some free time so most of us got on the internet to keep in touch with everyone back home! Later on in the day we went to the Olympia archeological site. It was definitely my favorite of all the sites! We got to see the stadium where we ran across just like the athletes did way back when! Although I told the other girls I wasn't going to run... just jog and they agreed to do the same... but when it came down to actually running they took off and I was left in the dust... haha it was fun though! After seeing the site we were once again free until dinner. We had our group dinner that night at Cafe of Dionysus. It was good food and we had a lot of fun hanging out together as a big group.

The next morning we got up and off we went to the Olympia museum. We first went to the archeological museum which was pretty cool. We saw these pediment statues from the temple of zeus which have extremely interesting stories behind them. One of which is the chariot race is thought to be the beginning of the Olympic games.
Next we went to the museum of the Olympic games which was really cool! It was made just before the Olympics in 2004. Everything that you could read was in 4 languages! And there were lots of artifacts from the original Olympic games way back in the day! Below are a couple of statues showing wrestling and throwing.

Finally our trip was coming to an end! I was very sad to leave... this was by far my favorite trip! We got to have lunch and walk around before we left but then we were back on the road for what we thought would be a 4 hour bus ride... but we hadn't realized it was a holiday in Greece and there was MASSIVE traffic so the bus ride ended up taking close to 6 hours! we were going crazy by the end! but I did get some paper writing done and had a good time hanging out with everyone on the bus but I was more than ready to get off that bus by the time we arrived home! All in all it was an amazing trip! Wish we could have spent more time in the Peloponnese!!!

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