Monday, November 9, 2009

1st Stop in Italy... VENICE!

Our first place we stayed in Italy was Venice... besides our 5 our layover in Naples. The first picture is the hostel we stayed at called a Venice Fish. It was decent. We met some cool people there and we had hot showers but it wasn't the cleanest of all hostels and it was pretty cold but it was a decent price and we were only there for 2 nights so it worked!
For Venice we got in somewhat late on Sunday night and basically got to our hostel settled in had a quick dinner then off we went to sleep. The next day we knew we had a lot to do and not a lot of time. We walked through the town and bought 24 hour waterbus tickets and had coffee at a little cafe. Then we caught the waterbus to Murano which is the glass capitol of the world. It was really cool seeing all the different blown glass sculptures and shops. We had lunch out there and the plates were even made of blue blown glass. And of course our lunch was GREAT!

On our way back from Murano we were riding the waterbus it decided to do a U-turn and during this U-turn the water from the poo filled canal came up and completely drenched my legs... it was DISGUSTING!!! I was freaking out... And the worst part about it is that I was inside the waterbus and the water literally B-lined into the waterbus and drenched me... the POO WATER DRENCHED ME! It was disgusting... all over my legs and I was wearing sandals so it was under my feet and everything!! SO SICK! I was very upset but luckily Betsy had some sanitation wipes and wiped me down and then even though I was wet we didn't have much time to get to Saint Marks Square before the church closed. So we ran our little butts off and and made it to Saint Mark's before it closed. The church there was absolutely beautiful I had never seen a church with so much detail before. And we climbed to the top and took beautiful pictures while the sun was starting to set. After we did the church and the square we decided to get a gondola ride. They all said it was 100 euro but we refused to pay that much so we were going to leave and luckily a really awesome gondola man came over and told us he would give it to us for 20 a piece so 60 total. It was great! He took us around all these canals and everything which was great especially at sunset I got some great pictures!

After our gondola ride we decided to head back... we planned to pick up some wine on the way and then head back to our hostel for our free pasta dinner and then go out with the people in our hostel. After we bought the small individual wine twist off bottles. They were hard to open and in Betsy's attempt to open her bottle it snapped in half and sliced her hand. She was bleeding a lot and she thought she might need stitches so we decided to head back to the hostel, clean her cut, and figure out if she needed stitches or not. Once back at the hostel we figured that she needed stitches and we should find the hospital. Once we found it on the map we headed off... Betsy holding her hand above her head and clamping it as tight as possible. It took what seemed like forever to find the hospital in the confusing streets of venice following signs and trying to pass people along the way. We finally found what looked like a church but said it was a hospital and went inside. The open room that we walked into was fairly dark and there were some women in a cubicle just off to the right so we ran over to them saying emergency, help... and they just shouted something in Italian and pointed down this deserted hallway... we were very confused but decided to head down the hallway and try to figure out where to go we tried to follow signs but they were all in italian... we eventually ran into this couple which the man ended up leading us the right way... but the entire way to the emergency room... the whole hospital was like a deserted church... it was sketchy for sure... We finally got there and they had us fill out a form with barely any of her information... name, street adress (no state or city), phone number, birthdate and nationality... it was so strange... he took a look at her hand cleaned it and gave her gauze and told us to sit and wait. We asked how long and he replied... We hope... so we sat for about 45 min which wasn't bad and she was called back and we were not allowed to go back with her. While in the waiting room with Elise we saw people being pushed on gurneys, a woman with a broken nose not being helped, a older italian woman yelling in italian and other such things but it was not busy like a normal hospital would be... Anyway Betsy later tells us that the doctor kept telling her to tell him things in Italian and of course she doesn't speak Italian and he ended up stitching her up with 4 stitches and the man that was cutting the stitches was even talking on his phone... so weird... they gave her a tetanus shot and then showed her the papers... the papers said 25 euro so she tried to pay him and he said no its closed and so she said I'll pay outside and he said no its closed so she asked what she should do and he said maybe something will show up in your country and we left! Guaranteed nothing will show up considering they don't even know what state or city she lives in. Anyway after that adventure we went for a couple drinks with the people in our hostel and went to sleep and woke up early for our train to Florence the next morning!

All in all Venice was cold and smelly but I'm glad I went it was something I'm glad I saw and it was quite the adventure as well!

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