Friday, November 27, 2009

Weekend in Santorini!

I spent the weekend of November 7th-8th on the island of Santorini. It is the iconic image of Greece, when you think of Greece this is the island you most likely think of. It is unlike any other island and it is also where Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants was filmed. It is an 8 hour ferry ride from the port of Piraeus, which the port is about a 30-40min Metro ride from Syntagma which is about a 30min walk from our apartments. So it was quite the travel adventure for only about 24 hours on the island. I got up around 4am, got ready and off we went. Finally arriving at the port we got on our ferry and looked for seats. We found these "airplane" seats that we thought were free for anyone to sit in so we made our selves comfortable and tried to get some sleep. About an hour into our ferry ride a ferry worker nudged Betsy and asked her to show him a ticket so she woke me up as well and we showed him our tickets and he told us we had to pay more to sit in those seats... it was only 4 Euro more but on top of what we had already spent we weren't sure if that's what we wanted to do. For some reason the worker didn't wake up all of us only Betsy, Hana and I so the three of us walked around looking for a place to sit Betsy and I settled on a table with two chairs and Hana found a place just down the way from us. We did our best to sleep for a few hours but it wasn't working out very well. We had about 3 stops before we reached Santorini and at each stop people got off so we eventually got a bigger table with a bit better seats and tried to get some more sleep. Again didn't work out very well but we did our best. As we were approaching Santorini we went out and took a few pictures including the wind blown one from below! We were very happy to finally arrive in Santorini and be able to get off that ferry.

After we got off the ferry we knew there was a bus we could take up to the town because there is no way you could walk. We found the bus and hopped on! It took us up this step hill that curved back and forth. We finally made it to Thira and went looking for our hotel. We wandered for a while looking for it and eventually a man saw us and said something in Greek and he eventually showed us where to go. The hotel was nice we were split in two rooms. Betsy and I in one and Ro, Hana, and Whitney in the other. After we changed and whatnot we all decided to head to Oia to try and get pictures of the sunset. We went back to the bus stop and unfortunately found out we had missed the bus by 15min and another wouldn't be coming for over an hour which would mean we would miss the sunset. We ended up deciding to take a taxi. We all jumped in and told our taxi driver to race to Oia before we missed the sunset. He was great! He drove super fast and we were snapping pictures out the window of the sunset as we went. He got us there just in time to catch about the last 15min of the amazing sunset! This is the place where the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants was filmed! It was absolutely gorgeous! I am so glad we made it for sunset! It was my favorite part of the weekend! We pretty much ran around and took a ton of pictures a few of which are shown below. After we gathered up again we realized we had about 30min until the next bus came but it was too dark to take more pictures so we just got a couple beers and sat around and chatted until the bus came and once we were back on the bus on the way back to Thira we decided we would grab dinner once we got back. We found this cute little cafe and had yummy food! After which Betsy and I got some wine and headed back to the room where we proceeded to have a power hour. It was a pretty relaxed night.

Betsy and I planned the next morning to wake up and get on our way to go see a black beach and then we would try and ride donkeys afterward... but when we woke up all we could hear was rain pouring down and we decided to sleep in a bit longer and hope that the rain would die off. The other 3 girls were supposed to be on a ferry at 7:30am but later when we finally woke up found out that they had mistaken their ferry time and they were actually on the 3:30pm ferry with us. Betsy and I at this point decided to get ready and go to the black beach of Kamari and just skip the donkey ride because the entire place was soaked from rain anyway although luckily it had stopped raining. We grabbed our spaghetti leftovers from the night before and off we went on the bus to the beach. Once we arrived there it was honestly not that exciting it was just black rocks and a deserted town... I was a bit disappointed but we took some pictures and then decided to see if we could find something to drink to go with our food. We found a little mart and bought sodas and sad down to our spaghetti.... We opened it to find our spaghetti and frozen in the hotel fridge and we couldn't eat it! We were so hungry at this point and it was so sad... we just sat at the bus stop and couldn't eat our spaghetti... awful! We eventually got something to eat from the mart and then got back on the bus to head to the ferry.

We got down to the port and got back on the ferry for another 8 hour ferry ride. This one was much worse as we were unable to sleep but I did get an entire paper written for school! It was a long long long ride... thought it would never end and we were completely exhausted by the end of the day. After the ferry got on the metro, took the bus, and finally got into our apartments and I quickly fell asleep after a long weekend of travel.

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