Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Jessie + Boredom + Friday Night = Superheroes!

So living in apartment #6 has been quite the adventure for us... We have some crazy moments most of which are ridiculously fun. Most nights we end up laughing hysterically until we finally fall asleep. This was definitely one of those nights... Jessie gets bored easily so I usually try and give her something to do but this time I was busy trying to get somethings done and she came up with something to do on her own.... and apparently dressing up as a superhero was what she thought of... So after she proceeded to dress herself she forced the rest of us to dress up and we all got super hero names! It was also the night we were going to celebrate Whitney's birthday here in Greece because her birthday had been over break. We all decided once we were dressed up to go sing to Whitney and below are the results of our night! :)
Super Gansta

Super Tidy

Super Fly

Super Awesome

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