Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Last Stop in Italy... ROME!

We got to Rome on Friday afternoon and it was fairly sunny weather and a bit warmer than Florence. Our hostel was very close to the train station which was great. We were in a 8 room mixed dorm which meant we had boys and girls. Our room was fairly nice with a bathroom in our room which was great. All of the people in our room were nice. All from the states, Canada, or Australia. Each night we had people move in and people move out so it was quite fun to meet all the different people. There was even a bar downstairs with free pizza every night!

After we were settled into our hostel we decided we should walk around a bit before Whitney's birthday celebration later that night. We went and found the Trevi fountain which I found out you are supposed to throw a coin over your shoulder and it means you will always come back to Rome which of course I threw a coin over my shoulder. There were a lot of people there but everyone was really nice and we got people to take our pictures.
After walking around for a bit we got ready and headed out to meet Hana and Whitney for Whitney's Birthday dinner. We went to this great pizza place and then had gelato. We made sure to get Whitney a crown and birthday candles. After gelato we went to a bar and got her lots of free drinks and her and Hana even did body shots which was absolutely hilarious but I am not allowed to post pictures of this event. HAHA! :)
The next day we knew we had to get a lot of site seeing done before the evening as it was HALLOWEEN! :) So off we went seeing many sites. One of which was the Colosseum! We went there when the sun was starting to go down so it was absolutely gorgeous. It was amazing to imagine all of the things that have gone on in that place. We would have gone into the forum but by the time we realized the ticket for the Colosseum was the same for the forum it was too late to go in but walking around the outside I still saw a lot of it so I figured it was good enough. We headed back to our hostel and started getting ready for Halloween. We talked to a bunch of people in our hostel and found out most people wanted to go on a pubcrawl. So we decided to join the crowd! We met two girls from Texas named Holly and Kat and we dressed up in Togas with them! It was a lot of fun! We had to run with 16 of us all the way to the metro station and then through the metro station get on the metro and off the metro and to the Spanish steps where we were greeted by a mass of people. We estimated it to be about 350 all together which was the biggest turn out they've ever had. They split us into three groups and off we went. The first place we went was a cave bar which they provided us with free pizza, unlimited beer for an hour and free t-shirts! It was really fun! We went to another place after that was an irish pub which was much more crowded and not as fun and somehow I managed to spill an entire drink into Betsy's purse which we were sharing for the night and all over myself. I was soaked but laughed it off and ended up partying the night away anyway. It was a night to remember and I had a great time! The morning after Halloween Betsy and I had planned on going to a hillside town called Orvieto. It was a cute town much like Fiesole with all the trees changing colors and all the rolling hills. We saw a cathedral that was black and white striped marble which was amazing to see. And we also had a great lunch at this very authentic Italian restaurant with fresh Italian Pasta! It was delicious! We definitely enjoyed our day up there! The train rides there weren't that great but it was definitely worth it. That night we ended up hanging out with all the other people in our room playing card games and talking all night in our room after of course getting our free pizza from the hostel. It was a really fun night!
The last day of our site seeing we went to see the Vatican with all of the new friends we made in our room, which included 3 Australians and 3 Canadian boys. It was an interesting day seeing as the boys got extremely annoying because they didn't care one bit where they were and just made stupid comments all day. But I on the other hand really really enjoyed seeing the Vatican and thought it was very interesting. After we did the Vatican we had lunch and then saw more sites including the Spanish Steps which is the last photo!
After seeing that much of Rome in 4 days I was very ready to head back to Athens but of course the next morning after waking up bright and early to get on our plane it was delayed 2.5 hours... it was awful. I will never again fly easyjet. They don't let you carry on two bags like normal airlines and the one carry on you do get has to be super small. RIDICULOUS! I hate that airline. We FINALLY made it back to our apartments around something like 6:30pm and I was more than happy to be back but it was one of the best trips of my life!

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