Monday, November 9, 2009


So I'm VERY behind on getting these blogs done but I figured I'll try and catch up! So going all the way back to October 16th we went to Aegina which is a Greek island just an hour ferry ride away. We had to get up nice and early to head there which was unfortunate and it was raining most of the day but other than that the little houses and what not were great! We had out umbrellas to keep us dry and we did a bit of shopping! I found a necklace and earrings. Jessie and I walked around on our free time just looking at all the cute houses and even got gelato before we had to head back to Athens on the ferry.

We saw an archeological site as well as a museum. We also went and saw the temple of Apollo which was cool except for it was like thunder and lightening while we were there so I was afraid we were going to get hit by lightening the entire time but luckily we were all safe and only just a little wet.

Now the ferry ride home was a whole other deal. Micah had a fit when he saw a bootleg dvd on the table Jessie and I were sitting at... which mind you wasn't even mine or Jessie's... It was Justins and he was letting us borrow it for the night because we hadn't seen the movie yet. Anyway he walked by and threw an absolute fit he started yelling at us about how we were supporting the sex trade and drugs we were so caught off guard. I didn't say one word back to him just sat back and watched him get all worked up but Jessie decided not to let him do that and yelled right back. It was quite the funny event but then he stomped off and told our Athens Rep that we were bitches and that we were hypocritical which was total crap because I didn't say one word the entire time. So we then officially became not friends. I have yet to speak to him since and it has been almost a month. Anyway just another day with Micah I guess...

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