Friday, November 27, 2009

Pynx, Areiopagus, Agora day trip!

The Pynx, Areiopagus and the Agora are all places within walking distance of where we live. So this was a trip where we all met at school in the morning and walked to these places. It was a beautiful warm day... November 6th!

The Pynx is known as the birthplace of Democracy. This is where the first government meetings were held, laws were passed and many things were discussed. They had an amazing view of the city during all of their meetings.

While visiting the Pynx, Micah was constantly crouching down to the ground and drawing things in the dirt and was always blowing his nose with his gross purple hankie... sick... AND he definitely put a rock in his mouth and also was eating dirt... I mean come on? What 22 year old seriously eats dirt and puts rocks in his mouth? I'm pretty sure he might actually be 3 years old... WEIRD!!!

The Areiopagus is the hill of Aries and it is where the council of Elders met. And another interesting fact is that Saint Peter preached here.
The Agora is a shopping area and just on the edge of the Agora is the Temple of Hephaestos. It was very interesting to hear all of the history that happened within the Agora and try to imagine all of the people moving around in the hustle and bustle of their everyday life.

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