Monday, September 21, 2009

Laundry and Thunder Storms!

So in our apartments here in Athens we don't have the luxury of having a washer and dryer. The 6 girl apartment across the hall does have a washer and we are all supposed to share it and they are more than happy to let us come over and use it... but its takes FOREVER to wash and you still have to hang dry and there's so many of us that want to use it that's it seemed easier to me to hand wash my clothes for the most part while I'm here. It was quite the day washing all of my clothes in a small bucket/bin type thing... I filled it with water and laundry detergent and put my clothes in and did the wash cycle... :) whoooshing my clothes around for a bit each load then doing the rinse cycle by running my clothes under running water and then the "spin cycle" or ring out cycle... to get them to a damp state to be able to hang them to dry... this process took about 2.5 hours total and was quite hilarious to Jessie and Betsy as they watched me do this. My back hurt pretty bad by the end but all of my clothes were clean and luckily it was hot out so my clothes dried fairly quickly. There is a picture below of me washing my clothes! :)

We had a couple of thunder storms come through Athens and I'm sure they weren't the last. The weather was very bipolar... it would rain, thunder, and lightning and then just an hour later would be hot as heck out and we would all be sweating... not sure what that was about but it was crazy to listen to and watch and its funny to watch people run around in shorts and tank tops trying to hide from the rain. Below is the view from our apartment during the storm!

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