Friday, September 18, 2009

Our Day at the Acropolis!

The day started off hilarious before even leaving the apartment... Getting ready with 4 girls is just a fun time every day no matter what we are laughing. Its great having girls to ask if your outfit looks good but having someone tell you, you look good and knowing you look good is a whole other story but the whole situation was over shoes... I wanted to be comfortable but wanted to look good... So the debate was comfortable tennis shoes or not so comfortable sandals... I put on the tennis shoes and knew I didn't look good but also knew my feet would hurt less... I kept asking the girls are you sure I look okay... and they all said yes... but I really couldn't agree we went though this same conversation about 6 times until it was finally time to go and I just ran out the door with my tennis shoes on... It was quite the joke all day and that is the purpose for the picture above... I was not lookin so hot but at least I was comfortable.

The Parthenon was amazing to see! It was extremely hot out so we were all dying of thirst and of course just a little while into our trip all of our waters were warm which was unfortunate but we all survived.

This is a picture of one of the many photo shoots that went on during our trip up to the top. Michael our teacher had to stop every 10feet to give us another lecture on whatever it was he wanted to talk to us about... and each lecture was anywhere from 10-20min so we were there for a VERY VERY long time so to entertain ourselves we would tune him out and just take lots of pictures and laugh at all the many people walking by in their funny hats and strange outfits. It was quite an entertaining day.

This was when many of us got lost from the group which yes we eventually found but there were so many people walking up to the top that we could keep track... I think next time we should all wear matching outfits... :) just kidding! But that would have been a site to see. Michael was one quick walker so we had to pretty much run to keep up... and trust me running with this many people around was not about to happen so we just took pictures along the way and figured we'd eventually find the rest of the group.

This is at the Theatre at the bottom that we had another 30min lecture at... we again took pictures most of the time and enjoyed the sun. There's a man in a red shirt in the background that was there for a very long time... we're not quite sure what he was doing but we all have pictures and we're hoping we'll all become famous for tracking down the man who stole part of the ancient theatre at the bottom of the acropolis hill.

By the end of the acropolis hike and the museum tour which also took forever stopping every 10feet for another one of Michael's lectures... we were all exhausted... 4 of us girls decided to sit down at a cafe and have some frappe's and then do a bit of shopping. It was a really fun day but I definitely slept like a baby that night! :)

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