Monday, September 14, 2009

1st Week in Athens!

OH MAN! has it been quite a week! Since I last blogged I've moved into my new apartments, seen much of Athens, been in the rain and the sun, ate many group dinners, started classes and of course made some amazing friends!

So Starting back to Thursday when I moved into my apartments... I was the 1st girl in my apartment to arrive so lucky me I got 1st pick of which room and bed I wanted! :) I'm on the second floor of our building in an apartment with 4 girls. We are in shared rooms, 2 in each room. I share a room with Aleka and in the other room is Jessie and Tabitha. All great girls and I'm very happy! Here in Greece we have to turn on the hot water boiler 30min before we shower which is interesting with 4 girls trying to shower at different times but so far it has worked quite well. We have a pretty small kitchen but none of us have done any cooking yet! We are going to try and make pasta tonight! :) I've been the last one asleep and 1st one awake every morning up until last night which is strange but probably just because I've been getting up to skype my mom in the morning! So if any of you would like to get on around 10-11pm (Washington time) I've been on around that time! :)

Friday we had our orientation at our school. They told us about our classes and had us register as well as give us some guidelines and rules for while we are living here. After that we had a walking tour of the area we live in. We saw the local super market, post office, bakery, and so on. The area we live in is filled with hills... and I'm talking mountainous hills! So rough to walk up them! Hopefully I'll be super tone by the time I make it back to the states. We also got to see the farmers market that comes here every Friday! Fresh produce galore! The venders yell at you while you walk by trying to get you to buy their items its quite exciting but I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't even stop to buy anything... but next friday I will be purchasing many yummy things! For the rest of the afternoon we just hung out and got to know each other better until our group dinner. We went to a restaurant with the entire group and they served us lots of different foods... greek salad, hummus, wine, and many other delicious things! After dinner a group of about 9 of us decided we wanted to check out the bar scene and we had seen a local pool hall close by so we headed down there for the night and I had a great time! Teamed up with Justin and won 2-0! The man who was running the place I began shutting the lights off on us around midnight so we figured we might as well head out! haha!

Saturday we had another walking tour but this time it was of downtown Athens where all the action is! We got to see so many things! the National gardens, the athens stadium where the 1st olympic games were played, Parliament, and many local churches which are all beautiful! We saw the more high fashion shopping center as well as local markets. I found a pair of sandals that I've been wearing ever since! love them! :) We walked and walked and walked around for hours it was a blast but extremely exhausting! After coming back to our rooms and showering we went to dinner at our directors house (Rosemary). She has the most beautiful home! I definitely wouldn't mind living there! Gorgeous garden as well as a rooftop with an amazing view. After dinner a group of us hung out for a while and I definitely played 90s music for everyone and loved it! :) After we finally figured out what we wanted to do we went out for a bit but as we were all tired headed back after not too long.

Sunday was our free day to do what we please. A group of 11 of us decided to head down to the beaches. The local bakery that's just a 5min walk away from our apartment. A boy named Tony works there and definitely has the eye out for my roommate Jessie so we decided to meet up with him before hand and see what he was up to for the day. And fortunately he was way nice and helped us all get taxis down to the beach and told the drivers all where to go. We had to take 3 different taxis though and somehow one group ended up at the wrong beach so our good friend Tony took each of the 4 of them one at a time on his motorbike over to where the rest of us were waiting. We had a great time lounging on the beach and playing in the water. Much of the group made friends with a group of boys who were playing volleyball and even though I didn't join in as most of you know I'm not athletic I had a great time watching and getting my tan on! :) After awhile we got hungry and headed on back. We got taxis back and somehow we all ended up different places but the group I was with ended up right back at our apartment and we decided to head down to downtown and get gyros! It was the longest walk and I was exhausted but we made it and the gyros were DELICIOUS! I will definitely be eating those A LOT while I'm here! After that we rested for a bit then all got ready and head to our teachers (David and Liz's) apartment to have dinner. We had a delicious dinner with salad, pasta, bread, wine and some other yummy treats! After dinner we came back and I played a little 80s music for my friends and they loved it! I will definitely be having lots of 90s and 80s nights while I'm here! After a while 5 of us decided to go to a place called the lucky charm for drinks and we had a great time laughing and getting to know each other better. By the way warning do not order long islands in Greece.... if you want to know more ask me individually... :)

This morning my roommates and I went grocery shopping as a group to get all the things we need for our apartment. I actually found tortillas and salsa today! SO HAPPY! I couldn't go 3 months without any type of mexican food! After that we got ready for our first day of classes. We had our monuments of Greece class and Beginning Greek today! They were both alright a bit overwhelming but I'll be fine just weird thinking I have to study and write papers while I feel like I'm on vacation! We learned the greek alphabet today its a bit rough but I'll catch on! :) Anyway now I'm just hanging out in the room with friends! We'll see what we decide to do tonight!

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