Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Blog From Greece!

So after 24 hours of traveling I finally made it safe and sound. It was a ridiculous trip but not as awful as you'd think. I pretty much slept through all 3 flights... hopefully I didn't look too ridiculous while I was passed out. My layover in Paris was rough! I had to run like a crazy person to my next gate and almost didn't make it... during the run I'm pretty sure I sweat out whatever liquids I had left in my body. The airport was awful! SUPER hot and soooo crowded! Definitely not how I thought the Paris airport would be like. After my 3rd and final flight I was FINALLY here! Now to find my luggage and Hana who I was meeting to get a taxi with to our hotel room. I found my luggage easily and apparently my phone is not working so I called my mom collect then it was off to find Hana. Found her very easily and we ventured to find a taxi... we wondered for a few minutes but easily found our way. Our taxi took us straight to the hotel and we checked in no problems! The woman at the front desk reminds me of the mom from My Big Fat Greek Wedding which made me laugh so cute! As we were checking in there were random cats roaming around our feet which was interesting. We used a super tiny elevator to get our stuff up to the room I had to take 2 trips just for my own stuff because it was so little. After we settled in and got the internet working we both took showers. The hot and cold are opposite hot being on the right and cold on the left which I thought was interesting. You also can't flush toilet paper down the toilet here... the sewer system apparently can't handle it! WEIRD! haha After showers and some more computer time we decided to go find dinner. We walked a few blocks down and found a really cute Greek Cafe. The dining area is on the roof top and the little old man that served us was so nice and he even offered to take our picture! We learned that most cafes and restaurants don't even have a closing time and dinner starts around 10pm and can continue on until 4am. Greeks are nightowls much like myself... I think I'm going to really like this place! I ate stuffed peppers and tomatoes! so delicious! and had a beer called Mythos which was quite tasty! we had a view of the acropolis and it was the perfect temperature to have dinner outside. After our dinner we took a short walk up to see the acropolis a but closer up! The sites were amazing! I fell in love! :) I can't wait to go back and see it in the day time! We're now back in our hotel room and I can't wait to wake up tomorrow and really get this adventure started! That's all for now I'll post again soon!

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