Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving in Greece!

Thanksgiving in Greece... interesting concept... but we had to do it considering how sad it would have been for all of us to not have any sort of Thanksgiving and have all of our families back home celebrating without us! Our teachers David and Liz were nice enough to cook turkey, gravy and stuffing for our dinner and the rest of us brought veggies, dessert, bread and other such things! When they day started I was pretty upset considering I had to go to school on Thanksgiving and even had a quiz! So lame! I was looking forward to our dinner but didn't expect the food to be much of anything and figured I'd be missing home the whole time... but luckily to my surprise the night turned out much differently! I started the night by getting to the Athens Center early in order to skype my mom and people started arriving. We started taking pictures and getting excited to eat! Once we had finally all arrived it was time to eat! We all dished up and headed into the other room to eat. The Athens Center provided us with wine and other such beverages and they even put some candles out at the tables. We had an amazing time socializing and eating delicious food!! Much better than I thought it would be! Not the same as home but I was not disappointed in anyway! Most of the Athens Centre staff and some of our teachers even came! It was really great that even though they don't celebrate Thanksgiving they came to hang out with us and enjoy a great dinner!

After dinner Jessie, Betsy, Hana, Tabby and I decided to go down to none other than our favorite cafe in Vernava. I was having a great time at this point Hana even videoed me doing what we like to call the Bugatsa run... and a little bit of my Trogdor... :) I will miss the cafe very much because we have gotten to know the owners and servers and spent a lot of time there and of course the food is DELICIOUS! I will never forget this place!!

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