Friday, December 4, 2009

Last visit with the Family!

My last visit with my Greek family was November 28th-29th. I ended up riding the tram out there again and this time I thought the stop I got off at wasn't that far from the cafe so I would just walk... ohhh nooo I walked and walked and walked and walked for what seemed like forever... I think it was actually something like 30-40min but it was hot and my backpack was so heavy at one point I put my backpack on the front of me and carried it like that because it was killing my back. Anyway I finally made it to the cafe an hour later than I said I would be there but I was excited to see Chris and Eleni and Marilena my other cousin was even there to hang out! :) We sat and talked for a bit and then the 4 of us sat down to lunch. We had chicken souvlaki, greek salad, big beans, and a few other things. It was delicious!! After lunch we cleaned up and headed back to the house. They are still working on remodeling the upstairs of the house so I took some updated pictures of the progress!

We all were tired so we took naps for a bit and then after a couple hours; Chris, Eleni and I got ready and went to have coffee and this really awesome cafe. We sat upstairs in this all glass room and I had a delicious cappuccino and then yet again we were off to go eat! This time we went to a restaurant with live music and Cretan food! It was absolutely delicious and the music was fantastic. Eleni said it was mostly love songs from the 50s and 60s. It was my first time hearing live Greek music so that was really fun! The food was great too! We had a baked potato dish with cheese, eggplants with red sauce and cheese, greek salad, cheese pies among a few other dishes. I was extremely full by the end! After our dinner we headed back to the house and I was soooo full at this point I couldn't sleep. My tummy was bothering me for so long! But I think finally towards the last half of the night I got some solid sleep in. The next morning we got up and headed over to Marilena's for breakfast. Her place is only a 5min walk from the house so we just walked over. She lives in this amazing apartment that has the most amazing view. She can see the golf course, Piraeus the port, the islands and some of the city. Absolutely gorgeous! And it was yet again another warm day! Felt like summer to me and they were making fun of me saying how they thought it was cold. Quite humorous! Marilena made me a huge plate of scrambled eggs and feta which was delicious but she didn't think I was eating it apparently and kept asking me if I liked it and kept offering to make me something else... so cute! After we ate we went out on the balcony and sat for a bit and then Chris and Eleni took me down to the beach for coffee. The beach was gorgeous we sat right along the water and the sun was shining down on us! Amazing! I am going to miss the weather so much! After coffee we went on a mission to get something they call "sweets" its basically fruit with sugar and water and it seems similar to jam/jelly but I guess we'll see when I open it when I get home! I got one for my mom and one for my Nana. I'm sure they will enjoy it! We stopped at 3 places until we found it so I hope they like it! :) After we were done with that we stopped at the cafe to get a couple things then off we went back to my cousin Marilena's for lunch. She made cannelloni pasta and this delicious salad. She made a dressed from feta, yogurt, olive oil and some other things and it was similar to the texture of mayo but it was super delicious! Of course they served me a LARGE helping and I was basically required to eat ALL that was on my plate lol at one point they even said I don't eat much and I was like are you kidding?? this is the most I've eaten in months! I felt like it was thanksgiving dinner times 100! After that we of course had to have dessert which was a chocolate banana cream cake thing which was delicious and then a chocolate mousse which all was super delicious but I was literally going to explode towards the end because I had eaten soooo much.... at one point I couldn't even swallow what was in my mouth but with the help of some water I managed to get it down haha! After we finished lunch Marilena packed up some leftovers for me to take and then Chris and Eleni drove me back to the apartment. It was sad to say goodbye but I'm hoping I'll be able to come back someday! And my Aunt and Uncle weren't there all weekend so that was disappointing but all the more reason for me to come back! I love my Greek family! <3

View of golf course from Marilena

Adorable deck at Marilena's

My cousin Marilena and I


The house!

Eleni and I

Chris and I

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