Wednesday, December 2, 2009

2 Days/1 Night in Delphi!

November 23rd-24th we went on an overnight trip to Delphi. Luckily again it was good weather for our trip! We had quite the long bus ride to our first site and again got the little bus which we had to share a set of seats again instead of getting our own but I sat next to Betsy the whole time which was fun! :) Our first stop was a byzantine monestary which was pretty cool to see. There are actual monks that live there! We walked around for a bit and got to have our picnic lunch there.

After seeing the monastery we had another bus ride to Delphi. We saw the lower part of the archeological site which was where some of the athletes trained. We also got to drink this water from this fountain and it's like known as like some of the best water in the world. It was great but it took forever for all of us to fill up our bottles!

After seeing the site we went up to our hotel for the night and yet again I was with Jessie! yay! our hotel was nice but the view was what made it AMAZING! We could see the sea and a small town below. The sunset was gorgeous! We spent the rest of the evening attempting to work on our papers and then Jessie, Betsy and I went to dinner at a cafe. After that we watched Greek tv until we fell asleep.

The next morning we went to the upper part of the archeological site and the Delphi museum The site was pretty cool we got to see the stadium there!

After we saw the sites we had some time to have lunch then we were supposed to get back on the bus. Betsy, Hana, Whitney and I decided to get a bottle of wine for the ride back and grab some gyros! After sitting on some steps and having the wine we grabbed our gyros and off we went to the bus. It was about a 4 hour ride back but I got a little bit of sleep and some work done on my papers so it wasn't too bad. I was happy to be back though because I could finally settle down after having done 3 trips back to back!

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