Monday, October 5, 2009

Overnight Ferry To/From Crete!

To get to and from Crete we had to take a ferry and because it takes so long to get there we did overnight ferries with cabins. 4 people in each cabin 2 bunk beds and a bathroom. They were extremely small rooms but good enough for the short period of time we had to be on there. Plus there were many other things to see and do on the ferry. There were multiple restaurant areas, shops, bars, and of course a disco! We had a great time both ways although it was a bit hard to sleep on a boat because of the rocking motion.

This took some convincing but I got Justin to do the Titantic pose with me! :)

Loving the wind blowing my hair on the ferry! hahaha!

One of the many restaurant areas in the ferry!

The Disco that was extremely fun! not very many people came but I definitely had a great time! Possibly a little too much fun! Everyone found out that I can dance!

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