Monday, October 5, 2009

Chania and our Boat Ride!

We stayed in Chania the last night of our trip. This city is absolutely amazing! It is my favorite place in Greece so far! Its this little city right off the harbor. So many boats, an amazing lighthouse, tons of shops and restaurants and the weather was absolutely gorgeous!

The small shops and restaurants along the harbor are so cute! Its crazy what salesmen the Greeks are! As you walk along the restaurants the workers will come up to you with their menu and try and convince you to come into their restaurant! Its hard to say no all the time! One guy even said to us... "You look thirsty... come in and drink something" They try so hard to get you to come in and its just one after another after another its crazy! And when you go into the shops the people will try and convince you what nice stuff they have. Apparently the Greeks need some convincing to do things! I'm going to be VERY good at saying no by the time I get back to the states!

Along the harbor there are a few companies that will take you out on boat rides most of which include free Raki (a traditional Crete alcohol) and also fresh fruit. Also some boat rides include free snorkeling. As a group we decided to go on a 3 hour one that included all of these things. There were about 18 of us that went on the boat and we had a great time! When we first got on the captain came to the front and told us we better take off our clothes and just hang out in our swimsuits because we were going to get a little wet... but what we didn't realize is how wet. We got moving and the waves just crashed up into the boat we were soaked! But we all laughed and had a good time even though we were pretty cold and salty. We got all the way out to this small island which is actually a goat sanctuary which you are not allowed to go onto but we did get to see a goat and then they stopped the boat and let us snorkel around. It was really fun! My goggles kept leaking so that was no fun but I didn't care I was having a blast swimming around in the ocean! The water was the bluest I've ever seen in my life! After snorkeling we took tons of pictures and got to drink Raki! We had a great time laughing and talking the whole ride back! I would definitely go back and do it again if I could! It was the highlight of my trip to Crete!
I also convinced Justin after a few more shots of Raki to do the titanic pose with me again because we were on yet another boat! and he did it! Epic photo! :)

1 comment:

  1. im soo jealous! the water looks beautiful! im glad you're having such a fabulous time :)
